CZC.CZ’s partner
Since 2013 is NBSERVIS in partnership with CZC.CZ and CZC.CZ’s exclusive post-warranty service partner.
What does it mean?
In every NBSERVIS branch you can pick-up for free orders from e-shop, bring your device for reclamation or give your order back to us.
In every CZC.CZ branch you can hand your device over for repair. CZC.CZ’s stuff fill out service form with you, pack your device and ship next business day to our headquarters in Kladno. Afterthat we will inform you about process of repair, send you price offer, terms, ect. When your device is repaired we ship it back to the CZC.CZ branch where you can pick it up. This service is free of charge and also the price of repair is absolutely the same as if you would have brought your device directly to NBSERVIS. In case you decline our price offer or we wouldn‘t succeed in repair you won’t pay anything! It is simple: no fix – no fee!